Who Will Pay Your Medical Bills After a Bus Accident?

Posted January 12th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.


There are many reasons you would choose to ride on a bus other than just getting to your destination. You may take the bus because it’s a less stressful way to get to work in the morning  or you have no other mode of transportation. Then there are other reasons for longer transports such as the expenses — a bus ticket is a cheaper than a plane ride. But by choosing transportation where someone else is behind the wheel can be risky.

Let’s say you take the bus to commute to work on an icy, rainy day like today. While driving a bit too fast on the road, the bus begins to slip and rams into a telephone pole. You are injured severely enough to be taken to the hospital. Now come the questions: Who will pay for your medical expenses? Can you sue the bus company or the driver? What happens next?

Getting into a bus accident is different than when you’re in an accident in your car. For instance, if you were riding in a friend’s car and were injured in an accident, your PIP insurance will be paying for your own medical bills. However, PIP insurance does not cover buses. Plus, New Jersey law does not require buses to carry PIP. However, if you have the Extended Medical Expense coverage on your car insurance policy, then your medical bills will be covered by that.

So if you don’t have that coverage, who is going to pay the bills? Unfortunately, that expense is coming out of your own pocket. But this doesn’t mean you can’t sue the bus company for these expenses. Remember to keep track of all the expenses you had to deal with and then contact The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone. For more than 25 years, our experienced bus accident attorney has been handling these types of cases for clients throughout New Jersey. If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, don’t wait any longer. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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