Accident Claims and Neuro or Psychological Injuries

Posted April 16th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

brain-injuries-in-accident-claimsNo matter what type of accident you were in, there are chances that your injuries are not just related to your physical body.  Accident claims and neuro or psychological injuries are unfortunately a common occurrence.  The extent of the damages may be measured by testimony, medical treatment, and expert documentation.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

The most dramatic neuropsychological injuries may occur as a result of a traumatic brain injury.  Perhaps an automobile struck your bicycle and caused you to fall to the ground.  When you hit the pavement, you were rendered unconscious.  After you complete treatment for your injuries, there may be residual effects.  How are these assessed?

According to an article that appeared in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, there are several steps to documenting the extent of neuropsychological damages.  They include:

  • Collecting and reviewing medical tests, treatment and documentation
  • Assessing cognitive functioning
  • Exploring the prospect of other diagnoses
  • Various mental tests
  • Repeated scans to determine the long term effects on the brain

Stress as part of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Even if your claim did not involve a traumatic brain injury, chances are that it has changed your outlook on life.  Unfortunately, anxiety and depression are not uncommon events as a result of an accident claim.  The ordeal itself can cause one to be fearful of a recurrent calamity.  Slow recovery, loss of wages and physical discomfort can all lead to depression.

Obviously, the psychological side effects of an accident can be very real.  The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone is cognizant that some of our clients may even develop Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) as a result of a catastrophic incident.  Our first concern is that you seek appropriate treatment.  We will then work with you to document this portion of your claim.

Our office has practiced personal injury law for more than two decades.  Whether your case involves a car crash, fall down or problems with a defective product, it is important to secure competent legal advice.  There is no cost to come in to discuss your case.  Contact us for an immediate appointment.


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