Are dash cams really legal in New Jersey?

Posted December 4th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

dash cam legal in new jersey anthony carboneBy now, everyone knows what a dash cam is. We’ve all watched the frightening videos of cars just missing getting into an accident, or seeing an accident happen right in front of the car. Many have purchased a dash cam not only to protect them in case of an auto accident but also because of the interesting footage it can pick up. But are these devices legal here in New Jersey? And can the footage be used as evidence?

It is legal to own a dash cam in New Jersey and is quickly gaining popularity throughout the state. And yes, the recordings can be used in a court of law. But don’t think that the tape will tell your side of the story. Remember, these videos can only be used if they haven’t been edited in any way. And some of these cameras capture the speed you were traveling at the time of the accident.

But this doesn’t mean dash cams are bad. Just think of them as an eye witness who has a perfect memory. Let’s say you get into an accident and you have a dash cam which was recording at the time of the accident. You tell the insurance company your story, but when it wants to see your video of the accident. Suddenly, you’re getting less money than you originally thought you were because the dash cam video showed that you were speeding at the time of the accident, something you didn’t mention during your testimonial.

If you get into an auto accident and need help fighting the insurance company, we can help. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today for a free consultation.

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