Has Your Employer Intentionally Harmed You?

Posted August 27th, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

If you have suspicions that your employer has intentionally harmed you, you may feel you have a clear cut case against them.  While most work-related injuries are venued in workers’ compensation court, a select few can seek the direction of a higher court. How difficult is it to pursue a claim for intentional harm? Pursing […]

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The Dangers of Working in a Highway Construction Zone

Posted July 27th, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

It’s a way of life during the summer time, especially here in the Northeast. Highway work slows down traffic, making everyone edgy and irritated. But for the people who are working on that highway, their job is anything but safe. With cars flying by, the use of powerful tools, and dangerous chemicals makes construction zone […]

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Staying Cool on a Hot Summer Day

Posted July 20th, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

It seems that summer has finally come with a vengeance. With the heat index making it feel like it’s over 100 degrees for the next few days, the best place to be is in an air conditioned room. However, not many of us have that luxury and this type of heat can be a killer. Severe […]

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Workers’ compensation for the casual worker

Posted July 9th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Workers Compensation.

The title of this particular article might confuse you.  Are casual workers individuals who are not required to show up for work in their Sunday best?  Alternatively, are they people who take their jobs less than seriously?  What are casual workers and how does workers’ compensation law apply to them? What is a Casual Worker? […]

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How Can a Construction Site Accident Attorney Help Me?

Posted July 8th, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

We all know how dangerous construction work can be. Whenever there’s a top ten list of most dangerous jobs, construction worker will always be found somewhere on that list. And with the booming construction projects throughout Jersey City, the danger is very real to hundreds of workers in New Jersey. But what really does happen […]

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Learn more about the going and coming rule in workers’ compensation

Posted June 25th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Workers Compensation.

It might seem like an unusual name for a part of the law.  However, the going and coming rule is an important part of New Jersey’s workers’ compensation laws.  Quite simply, it determines compensability for injuries sustained during an employee’s travel time. Understanding Workers’ Compensation Workers’ compensation benefits were designed to protect employees for injuries […]

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Watch Out for Falling Objects at a Construction Site

Posted June 15th, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

With Jersey City booming, more and more construction sites are popping up throughout our fair city. According to a recent news article, not only is the tallest building in New Jersey being built on Hudson Street, but there are plans for several condominium buildings to be built. With the increase in construction sites, there is also […]

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Can heart attacks be work-related injury in Jersey City, NJ?

Posted June 11th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Workers Compensation.

Can heart attacks be work-related?  It might seem obvious. After all, you had a heart attack at work.  Your employer is therefore liable for workers’ compensation benefits, right?  Should they pay for your medical bills, afford you lost wages, and offer an award on permanent disability?  In short, the answer is maybe.  Not every heart […]

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Occupational Claims for Work Injuries

Posted May 21st, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

Many are surprised to learn workers’ compensation claims are not necessarily confined to specific events.  If the workplace environment causes issues, the law allows for the pursuit occupational claims for work injuries.  Similarly, a workers’ compensation claim may exist for harm caused by repetitive motion.  The overall term for both these types of injuries is […]

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Can I apply for workers’ compensation as an independent contractor in Jersey City, NJ?

Posted April 30th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Workers Compensation.

It happens for an assortment of reasons.  Some employers hire staff and require them to sign agreements designating themselves as independent contractors.  In addition to signing these documents, these staff members forego tax deductions and receive 1099 tax forms annually.  Are independent contractors also exempt from workers’ compensation benefits? Independent Contractor Designation Believe it or […]

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