Child Custody and Support in New Jersey

Posted May 19th, 2010 by .

Categories: Family Law.

child-custody-and-support-new-jerseyIn this economy too many people are living paycheck to paycheck. Most married couples are both employed and balancing the budget is a constant struggle. Divorce can bring significant challenges to an already stretched budget. Supporting two households, the costs associated with the proceedings, and all of the details of moving and adjusting can be overwhelming. No matter how you got here and what things are screaming for your financial attention there’s one factor that’s pretty consistent; parents don’t want their children to suffer because of what mom and dad are going through. Child custody and support decisions are often the most difficult ones to make in divorce situations.

Figuring out child custody and support in the midst of all of the issues would be difficult. That is the reason that in New Jersey, support is set based on a set of legal guidelines. Those guidelines take into account all of the factors including income levels, parenting time, child care costs and children from other marriages. If it sounds structured and complicated, it is. That’s why it’s important to have the help of an experienced child care and support attorney to navigate the course. Anthony Carbone is just the person you’re looking for.

With Mr. Carbone’s extensive experience he is able to help you understand the process, navigate the system and ensure that the outcomes are the best they can be for everyone involved. To make sure that you are able to reach the best possible outcome for you and for your children please contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today, serving Jersey City and surrounding areas of New Jersey.

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