Divorce is Hard
Getting a divorce is never an easy situation. It’s a trying and emotional time for you, your spouse, and especially your children. Not only do you have to separate the family unit but you have to deal with what comes after, like:
- Where are your kids going to live?
- Will your spouse agree to spousal support?
- Who will get the house?
These can be tough questions to answer. And even the easiest of divorces can quickly become a nightmare. That’s why you need an experienced divorce attorney to guide you through the process and make sure everything works out fine in the end.
For more than 35 years, Jersey City divorce attorney Anthony Carbone has been helping couples throughout New Jersey get through the divorce process as quickly and as painlessly as possible. He knows the questions you may have moving forward and will make sure your case will end quickly with little to no conflict. He will help you through this trying time and make sure you and your children are protected under the law.
The Elements of Divorce
There is more to the divorce process than you might imagine, especially if children are involved. You will need to divide your assets and debts, decide on child custody and support, and decide whether alimony is needed. This is not something that happens overnight; a divorce can take months, even a year, to come to fruition.
Child Support and Custody
One of the major concerns all families face when dealing with a divorce is what will happen with the children. You need to figure out custody arrangements, decide on visitation rights, and set up child support. This can be an extremely complicated process, especially if you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye.
Division of Property
Another major concern is your financial situation. How will you divide your assets and debts equally? How is this even determined?
According to New Jersey law, when a marriage ends, there needs to be an equitable distribution of property and money. However, this does not mean equal distribution; it means that the property division must be based on what is fair given the individual circumstances of the marriage.
If you brought more debt into the marriage than your other half, then you may be leaving with more debt. In addition, pensions, retirement funds, and other types of investments are part of the division of property.
Spousal support can be an extremely difficult topic to handle. You may feel like you deserve alimony, yet it is not always granted. Many factors are taken into account. You will need to prove to the court that your economic situation will suffer without spousal support.
Our Approach to NJ Divorce Cases
Throughout his years of experience practicing family law in New Jersey, our Jersey City divorce attorney has consistently counseled his clients to view divorce as a business transaction. Setting emotions aside during this process can be difficult, but a more objective view of the situation can make negotiations go quicker, less costly, and less stressful for you and your family.
Attorney Carbone will fight for your best interests in some of the most contentious aspects of the divorce. Though he will strive for a workable marriage dissolution settlement that is fair to you and meets your needs, your spouse might be stubborn or harbor negative feelings that can cause negotiations to stall. If you’re facing a contested divorce, Jersey City divorce lawyer Anthony Carbone is ready to fight for your rights in court.
Do I Need a Divorce Attorney in New Jersey?
It is possible to get an uncontested, no-fault divorce within two to three months. However, unless you and your spouse have already developed a fair agreement addressing multiple issues like alimony and property rights, a do-it-yourself divorce often results in more work and diminished legal protection in the eyes of the courts. Learn why you shouldn’t do a DIY divorce.
To find out how our dedicated New Jersey divorce attorney can protect your rights in anticipation of the end of your marriage, contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone or call 201-733-2230 to schedule a free consultation. Located just steps away from the Journal Square Port Authority station in Jersey City, Attorney Carbone also serves clients from nearby cities including Newark and Elizabeth. If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you.