Distracted Driving has Become an Epidemic. But You Can Stop It.

Posted May 8th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

distracted-driving-car-accidentsYou’ve probably already heard this before: Distracted driving has become an epidemic in the United States. With PSAs running constantly on TV and news stories of drivers getting into accidents while texting, there’s no way you can ignore the problem. But it is fact, there is a serious problem with distracted driving in this country.

According to the US Department of Transportation, approximately 3,154 people were killed in auto accidents involving a distracted driver in 2013. Texting behind the wheel has become a dangerous habit that many of us still do. And with new innovations in technology such as wearable tech like the Apple iWatch, it’s easy to keep our eyes off the road. By not paying attention, you can get into a serious car accident that may result in someone’s death.

In New Jersey, there are strict bans in place on cell phone use behind the wheel. If you are caught with cell phone in your hand while driving you could be facing the following penalties:

  • If it’s your first offense, you will be fined $200 to $400.
  • If it’s your second offense and it occurred within 10 years of your first offense, you will be fined $400 to $600.
  • If it’s your third or more offense and it occurred within 10 years of your first and second offenses, you will be find $600 to $800, receive 3 points off your license, and a possible 90-day license suspension.

Although the lure of our electronic screens may be too great to put down, there are ways that you can stop driving distracted:

  • Turn off your phone or turn on airplane mode until you arrive at your destination.
  • Put the phone in a safe place away from arm’s reach, making it unable for you to get the phone.
  • Pull over to the side of the road so you can text or make a call without worrying about driving.
  • Just ignore it all together. It can wait!

If you get into an accident with a distracted driver, we can help. The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone has been helping auto accident victims for more than 26 years. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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