Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse

Posted December 22nd, 2015 by .

Categories: Legal Topics.

ignorance of the law is no excuse anthony carboneThere is a well-known saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse.  At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we find a great deal of validity in this statement.    We are frequently called upon after some infraction of the law.  We are able to offer individuals experienced legal advice whether they have sustained personal injuries in an accident or are charged with a municipal court offense.  We also represent individuals for family court matters and other types of legal actions.  Unfortunately, we find that some of our clients truly get in trouble because of ignorance of the law.

With that in mind, we have put together some simple questions to allow you to test your knowledge of common law issues. The answers appear immediately after the text with some information that may help you avoid legal consequences.  Again, keep in mind that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

  • When are you required to use headlights? The obvious answer is that you must have your headlights turned on when it is dark and visibility is questionable.  If you cannot see 500 feet in front of you, your headlights must be on.  Make sure your headlights are engaged whenever you hit the switch for the windshield wipers.
  • Can you be charged with a DUI if you are taking a prescribed medication? Of course!  The issue is not whether you are using illegal drugs.  If the medication says not to operate a vehicle while using it, you can be charged with impaired driving if it appears to affect your operation of the vehicle.
  • Will you lose your house if you abandon your spouse?   Abandonment may serve as a reason your former spouse may use to charge you with in a divorce complaint.  However, it does not mean that you will forfeit your share in a marital asset.
  • How long can you wait to hire a personal injury attorney?  The time varies, but we suggest seeking legal counsel as soon as possible.  See our article about time limits for filing lawsuits.   A delay in seeking legal advice could preclude you from collecting damages.
  • Can you treat with your own doctor for work-related injuries?   The workers’ compensation carrier pays for your medical treatment and has the right to select your medical provider.  Their representatives are the only ones who can authorize your medical care.

These are just some basic examples of why it is important for individuals to keep up on their knowledge of the law.  Again, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.  However, if you do need legal counsel, our office offers experienced legal advice. Contact us to discuss the issues you are facing and we will do our best to assist you.

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