Personal injury lawsuits for back or neck injuries

Posted April 14th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

back-neck-injuries-for-personal-injurySome of the most common personal injury lawsuits are for back or neck injuries. Many lament that the pain from either a back or neck injury is beyond comparison. Often, these types of injuries represent a lifetime of potential problems. However, like everything else, there are different degrees of damage associated with back or neck issues.

Obviously, we are not medical experts. The purpose of providing you with this information is solely as a resource. Your doctors and other medical providers should go into further details regarding the specifics of your particular injury.

The Spine

You may already know that the spine is divided into three major parts. Issues involving the neck are referred to as cervical injuries. The middle back is the thoracic spine; the lower back is the lumbar spine. Each of these portions of the spine has specific levels. You can read more about the anatomy of the spine, here.

Types of Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries run the gamut from sprains or strains to injuries that cause partial or total paralysis. Here is some basic information regarding injuries regarding spinal injuries:

  • Sprain/Strain – Cervical or back sprains or strains are considered soft tissue injuries. Whiplash is another name for a cervical sprain. This type of injury often occurs when the neck is jolted significantly during an accident. Treatment may involve various medications, as well as chiropractic consultation or physical therapy.
  • Disc Issues – Spinal discs act as shock absorbers, and sit securely attached to the various vertebrae levels. The outer layer of the disc cushioning is a bit tough. However, the center is made of a gel-like substance. Some argue that age is often the reason discs lose liquid and become degenerative. However, accidents may cause one or more discs to displace. This may result in a herniated or ruptured disc. Treatment for disc injuries often involves diagnostics studies, physical therapy, and pain management. Some individuals require surgery for these conditions.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – A spinal cord injury is among the most devastating results of an accident. This type of issue means that that the brain and the body have communication problems. Paralysis is a major factor in this type of injury. For more details on spinal cord injuries, please see information provided in collaboration with the Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation. You may recall that Christopher Reeves (Superman) suffered a spinal cord injury after he was thrown from a horse. Prior to his death, Christopher Reeves was a quadriplegic.

Contact Us

The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone has worked with individuals who have suffered all degrees of neck and back problems. We rely on medical expertise to determine the extent of damages. Contact our office for a complimentary appointment to review your case.

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