Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims Hope

Posted February 8th, 2019 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence, Family Law.

Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims HopeDomestic violence victims are often too afraid to reach out for help, and the reasons behind this are endless. Whether you worry that your loved ones will be negatively affected or if you’re fearful for your own life, the fear is real. But it’s important to know that there is a way out and people who are willing to help you.

The Domestic Violence Hotline

In 2018, the National Domestic Violence Hotline reported 2,540 contacts came from New Jersey. Of those 2,540 contacts, 1,974 were through phone, and 566 were through online chat services. New Jersey ranked 13th in Hotline contact volume within the United States. From a state-wide perspective, most people were looking for legal advocacy services and domestic violence shelters.

Get Help Without Saying a Word

Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims Hope | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneLoveisrepect” is a subset of the National Domestic Violence Hotline that is made up of a team of highly-trained advocates that offer support, information, and advocacy to young people. These people are often teens and young adults, who are looking for a safe place to get help and answers about their dating relationships. In 2018, “loveisrespect” reported 399 contacts came in from New Jersey. Of those 399 contacts, 252 were phone calls, 117 were through online chat services, and 30 were through text messaging. New Jersey ranked 8th in “loveisrespect” contact volume within the United States.



Victims Looking for Hope

The top three things domestic violence victims are looking for are individual professional counseling, domestic violence support groups, and legal advocacy. However, they also looking for services and information protective orders. If you are a victim or survivor of domestic violence in New Jersey, there are various types of protection available to you.

Protective Orders

Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims Hope | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneIf you are granted a protection order beyond a few days, the span of that order can last from one to five years. If you feel threatened by your abuser, you can renew the protection order. In extreme cases, a protection order can be granted for the victim’s lifetime. In order to obtain a protection order, you need to file the required legal paperwork. This process begins with your local court and adheres to your state’s law to review present evidence at a hearing where your abuser will be served.

You can begin this process on your own but it’s best to know your rights before you begin the process by contacting your Jersey City family law attorney for proper guidance. There are various provisions that can be made to a protection order, such as a:

  • No Contact Provision
  • Peaceful Contact Provision
  • Stay Away Provision
  • Move Out Provision
  • Firearms Provision
  • Counseling Provision

While each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutes for some type of protection order, each state may refer to it differently. For example, New York calls them protection orders or orders of protection, California calls it a restraining order, and Florida calls it an injunction for protection against domestic violence.

Restraining Order

Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims Hope | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneA restraining order is an order that requires parties to a lawsuit to do (or not do) certain things. In the case of a restraining order, domestic violence can be the key factor in an underlying family law case. Restraining orders can vary from state to state, so it’s important to consult with an attorney.

In the state of New Jersey, the protection orders are referred to as a restraining order. A restraining order can come in two forms; a temporary restraining order or a final restraining order. A temporary restraining order is granted until your hearing, which is generally scheduled within ten days. At the hearing, you will be granted a final restraining order, which will last indefinitely, or until one of the parties involved files a legal motion to end or change the order and a judge agrees.

Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

Protective Orders Provide Domestic Violence Victims Hope | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneIf you are a victim of domestic violence, help is available. For New Jersey residents, contact domestic violence attorney Anthony Carbone today for a free and confidential consultation.

CALL NOW: 201-829-3829

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