Sayreville Players Could be Placed on Megan’s Law Registry

Posted October 13th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

sayreville-players-megans-law-bullyingOn Friday, seven players from the Sayreville football team were charged in the hazing scandal that has rocked the school. The players, who may be tried as adults, are accused of not only assault but sexual assault after four freshmen teammates said they were sexually assaulted by team members.

These are very serious charges against these young men. If they are charged in juvenile court, the penalties are severe but not life changing. However, if charged and convicted as adults, each could spend decades in prison. In addition, if they are found guilty of sexual assault as an adult, they will be registered under Megan’s Law. But what about if they are found guilty as juveniles? Will they be placed on the registry?

According to New Jersey’s Megan’s Law, regardless of age, anyone who commits a sexual crime must register as a sex offender. Failing to register is considered a fourth degree crime which could include jail time. But this isn’t a life sentence – once a juvenile reaches the age of 18 and the offense was done while the offender was under 14, he/she can removed from the list. Even if the students are convicted as adults, they can have their names removed from the registry by petitioning the court 15 years after the offense, provided they do not commit another sexual crime.

Young people need to learn that serious consequences can occur in acts that they may think are fun, but actually cause harm from another person. No one, no matter what age, should be bullied. If you or you know someone who is being bullied, there is laws out there to protect you. Click here for more information on how you can stop bullying.

If you are in need of legal help, please contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today for a free consultation.  

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