Charged with a Crime? Does Your Immigration Status Matter?

Posted June 7th, 2018 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

It’s more than a bit of a conundrum. You’ve been charged with a crime you didn’t commit. Of course, you’re concerned that you could be wrongfully convicted. However, your immigration status presents an even bigger problem as far as you’re concerned. You’re worried that you’ll either wind up in jail for a very long time […]

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Is it Possible to be Deported for a Domestic Violence Conviction?

Posted October 10th, 2017 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

You’ve been in the states for a number of years. With all the crackdowns on immigration, you are already worried. In one sense, you feel protected. After all, you do have your green card. Notwithstanding, your cause for concern might be very valid. A domestic violence conviction could warrant the start of deportation proceedings. In […]

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Domestic Violence Series: Domestic Violence Among Immigrants

Posted April 14th, 2017 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence is not just isolated to one country. It is, unfortunately, a global problem. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. The majority of this violence is from intimate partners – almost a third of women who have been in a […]

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What Can Happen to an Undocumented Immigrant if Convicted of Domestic Violence

Posted January 11th, 2017 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Unfortunately, domestic violence is a universal crime. Not only does it occur here in the United States, but it also affects people around the world. It doesn’t matter what class, age, or your background, you can be a victim of domestic abuse. This especially true when it comes to undocumented immigrants. Immigrant domestic violence occurs […]

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No, You Won’t be Deported for Filing a Workers Compensation Claim

Posted May 13th, 2016 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

If you’re an illegal immigrant, chances are you live in fear of deportation every day. That’s probably why you chose a job where you’re paid for less money than an American worker. You work hard everyday as a busboy to make money to send home. But then one day, as you are making your way […]

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Not Here Legally and Suffered Accidental Injury? Get Advice.

Posted April 7th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

What happens if you’re injured in an accident?  And, don’t have legal status?  We’re sure you have many concerns.  Consider the case of young Alexander. When he was three years old, Alexander’s family came to the United States.  They were here on a visitor’s visa.  The paperwork allowed the family to stay here for a […]

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Slip and Fall Series: Can an Illegal Immigrant File a Claim in Jersey City, NJ?

Posted March 11th, 2016 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

The weather is starting to warm and spring is on everyone’s minds. But we still have a couple of things to say about slip and fall accidents. For instance, let’s say you’re in this country illegally. While working at the local restaurant, you slip on a puddle of water from a leaking refrigeration unit and […]

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As an Illegal Immigrant, Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation?

Posted December 1st, 2014 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

With a large illegal immigrant population of New Jersey, immigration reform is a big deal. With President Obama’s plan to distribute work permits to illegal aliens, a curious question comes to mind. As we have stated before, illegal immigrants have the same rights as US citizens when it comes to filing a personal injury claim. But […]

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Can an Illegal Immigrant Still Sue for Personal Injury in Jersey City, NJ?

Posted November 19th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

A recent report from the Pew Hispanic Center has found that illegal immigrants make up about 6 percent of New Jersey’s population. This makes New Jersey the fifth highest illegal immigrant population state in the U.S., behind New York, Florida, Texas and California. New Jersey is also third state in the U.S. with the largest […]

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Domestic Violence Immigrants Can Seek Asylum

Posted August 28th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Illegal immigration has been a hot topic in the news lately. With the recent flood of child immigrants, our immigration system is on the verge of a breakdown. Recently, a government immigration board has, for the first time, decided that domestic violence victims from different countries can qualify for asylum in the United States. The […]

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