‘Tis The Season of Domestic Violence?

Posted December 5th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

domestic violenceThe holiday season is underway, and for many, that means it’s the most wonderful time of the year. However, that’s not the case for victims of domestic violence, especially in New Jersey. The stress of the holidays can make a bad temper even worse. All the errands, long car rides to see family and friends, and congested highways can bring out the worst in people.

Incidents of domestic violence are on the rise. There might not be one specific factor as to why it happens, but it does happen. At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we’ve been protecting the victims of domestic abuse for thirty years. We don’t want to see anyone else suffer this holiday season, so here are a few tips you should keep in mind if you are a victim of abuse

Here are a Few Tips

‘Tis The Season of Domestic Violence? | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

  • Call for help! Although victims of domestic violence may feel like no one can help them, it’s important to remember that there is help available. If you are in an emergency situation, your first call should be to the police or an attorney. If the situation is not an emergency, you can call a friend, family member, or even a co-worker who is willing to help or be a witness to the incident. There are also local and national domestic violence hotlines available to call at any time. They are here to help you.
  • Make sure you always have a fully-charged phone and some money with you. You never know when you’ll have that moment of “I’m done” in a domestic abuse situation. So, you will need something to help you survive when you escape a hostile situation.
  • Have a “safe” word. If you are in the midst of an emergency domestic violence situation, you may not be able to tell whoever is on the opposite side of the phone what’s wrong. If your friend or family member knows of your situation, try to have an agreed-upon “safe” word with them so when you call they know something is wrong.
  • Keep the abuse public. Domestic violence tends to be such a secretive problem, with most of the abuse happening behind closed doors. If you are a victim of domestic violence during the holiday season, make sure it (or some of it) occurs in public where you have witnesses to see it. This will help your case later.
  • Develop an escape plan. Just as you need a close friend on standby or your phone and some money, you should have an escape plan ready to go if things become explosive between you and your abuser. Consider possible escape routes from inside your home and make sure to test your plan to see if it’s successful.

The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone Can You This Holiday Season

‘Tis The Season of Domestic Violence? | The Law Offices of Anthony CarboneRemember, trying to get out of a domestic violence situation may make things even worse between you and your partner if you aren’t able to escape. The holidays can make the tension even worse, so it’s better to be prepared just in case.

If you are currently suffering from domestic violence in New Jersey this holiday season, Attorney Anthony Carbone wants to help you. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

CALL. NOW: 201-829-3805


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