Watch your social media posts

Posted March 24th, 2015 by .

Categories: Legal Topics.

social-media-legal-issuesWe have one simple warning for those who like to overshare their lives on the Internet: Watch your social media posts. You never know when something that seemed inconsequential at the time will come back to bite you. Learn about privacy settings and the importance of shielding your personal life on the Internet.

For certain, all of our readers have heard about the horrific accident involving Linden police officers and a friend, out for the night, in Staten Island. You can read one of the many renditions of the story here. However, the newspapers have come across more information that makes the story more enticing. The details come from Instagram posts made by the driver himself. He might have innocently put up pictures of three alcoholic shots at a local New Jersey bar. The media and the public are incensed at that picture and other posts on both Instagram and Twitter. The driver, who is now clinging to his life, has managed to create his own distorted picture of himself.

How does this apply to you? It does not matter if you have a case now, or are involved in a criminal matter or personal injury case. It can make a difference in a divorce negotiation. It can be introduced as evidence in a plethora of legal issues.

Privacy Rights Clearing House has written an excellent article regarding Social Networking Privacy. Some of the ways they suggest you should watch your social media posts, include the following:

  • Ensure that all of your social media posts are limited to restricted audiences. Make sure you have not enabled the public to see your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other accounts.
  • Make sure that your photographs are set that only “Friends” can see them. Do not fall into the trap of allowing “Friends of friends” to also view your pictures.
  • Remember that not everyone is your friend. You will find this out if you are in trouble or seeking remuneration from a personal injury accident. Even the best of friends are sadly happy to provide evidence that does not support your case.
  • Use judgment in what you share in social media posts. Do not make the life of someone investigating your claim an easy task. Of course, you should have nothing to hide. However, why make your activities questionable?
  • Be cautious about accepting friendship requests. Again, restrict your audience.
  • Remember that nothing on the internet is short-term. In fact, even if you delete something, it has the potential for eternal life.

The Law Office of Anthony Carbone has evolved with the changes in technology. We use social media to keep in touch with our clients, but are keenly aware of its limitations. If you are involved in a case, we can help you with your social media questions. Contact our office to schedule an appointment to discuss your legal issue.

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