Why your Volkswagen is making you sick

Posted November 9th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

nj volkswagen emissions recall lawyer anthony carboneEarlier this fall, we all learned the Volkswagen had installed a bit of software into its “CleanDiesel” vehicles in an effort to avoid the federal emission regulations. So instead of having a clean vehicle like you were promised, a “CleanDiesel” vehicle are actually emitting nitrous oxide gases of up to 40 times the standard limit, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

What are nitrous oxide gases? You probably know them better as greenhouse gases. These gases are found from a variety of natural sources. However, with the addition of gases given off from human activities such as agriculture processes and through our vehicles, the amount of nitrous oxides in our atmosphere increases and causes global warming. Nitrous oxides can live in our atmosphere for approximately 114 years so once it gets out there, and stays.

But that’s not the only damage these gases can do. It can also affect people with respiratory problems. According to the EPA, studies have shown that breathing in the nitrous oxide gas nitrogen dioxide even for for a short period of time can send someone with a respiratory issue to the emergency room. This means your car is making you sick.

The U.S. has begun a massive recall on Volkswagen “CleanDiesel” cars. To date, more than 11 million vehicles worldwide can be affected by the software. Currently, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone is investigating claims against Volkswagen over the recall. If you have one of the vehicles on the recall list, contact our personal injury lawyer today for a free consultation.

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