Could You Have a Case Against an E-cigarette Maker?

Posted September 17th, 2019 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

could you have a case against an e-cigarette maker? | law offices of anthony carbone

In a sense, JUUL is to e-cigarettes what Kleenex is to tissues. About everybody uses the brand names interchangeably. That said, JUUL says it’s unlike any e-cigarette or vape out on the marketplace. In the meantime, its marketing claims may be part of the reason you could have a case against this e-cigarette maker. According […]

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Taking a Look at Product Liability Law in New Jersey

Posted May 1st, 2019 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

It seems like each year, there are more and more defective products being recalled in New Jersey and around the United States. When you or someone you love is injured by a faulty product, you are going to need an advocate on your side that will help get you justice for what happened. Whether it’s […]

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Who’s Liable?

Posted January 23rd, 2019 by .

Categories: Premises Liability.

Everyone who knows about carbon monoxide knows that it is quite dangerous, especially in an enclosed location. For those who don’t know, carbon monoxide, or CO, is a colorless, odorless gas that is typically the byproduct of fuel burned in our vehicles and heating sources. This gas, when inhaled, can be poisonous to the body. […]

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Can You Pursue a Claim if You’re Hurt at a Health Club in New Jersey?

Posted November 27th, 2018 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Now that the Thanksgiving festivities are behind us, the next set of holidays begins. Before you know it, you’ll be on to making resolutions in anticipation of the new year. Does this mean deciding to start a workout program? Of course, this, unfortunately, puts you at potential risk. So, what happens if you’re hurt at […]

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What Happens If a Defective Ladder Caused Your Injuries?

Posted July 31st, 2018 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

You’re not sure how it’s even possible. At first, you thought your fall from the ladder happened because of your own clumsiness.  Truth be told, it might be more than that – and something that bears investigation. If you were injured in a ladder accident, you might be eligible for monetary damages by way of […]

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The Laws That Protect Those from Self-Driving Cars

Posted March 19th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

The future does not slow down for anyone and anything, especially when it comes to automobile and transportation technology. Self-driving vehicles are on the cusp of becoming a mainstay of our everyday lives. Currently, thirty-three states have passed legislation regarding these types of vehicles. New Jersey is not currently among them. However, a bill to […]

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Who’s Liable for Your Food Poisoning?

Posted January 8th, 2018 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Food poisoning is a gut-wrenching experience in more ways than one. Anyone who has had to endure its unpleasantness knows what we are talking about. In fact, the majority of people experience food poisoning at least once in their lifetime. While it can be a fairly common occurrence, legal action could be taken in some […]

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Question for Attorney Carbone: Who is Responsible for My Son’s Amusement Park Injury?

Posted June 26th, 2017 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Question: My husband and I took our 8-year-old son to a local carnival this weekend. While he was riding one of the kiddie rides, the bolt holding the safety bar in place had come out and caused my son to be flung back and forth during the ride, injuring his neck and head. How are we […]

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How Can a Defective Nail Gun Cause You Injuries?

Posted May 4th, 2017 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

There are obvious risks associated with working with nail guns. Whether they are manufactured by such giants as Hilti, Senco, or Hitachi, the threat of injury is real. What happens if you followed every safety warning and were still hurt? Is there a possibility that a defective nail gun caused your injuries? Could you have […]

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Breakthrough Information on the Dangers of E-Cigarettes

Posted January 24th, 2017 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

You may remember the news account from late last year.   A woman was standing at a store counter at a New Jersey mall.  Suddenly, a large bang was heard that seemed to originate from her designer handbag.   Smoke permeated the air, and the frightened shopper suffered burns.  The cause?  Apparently, an e-cigarette battery had exploded. […]

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