Domestic Violence Risk Assessments: What You Need to Know

Posted October 15th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Did you know? Just about a year ago, the State of New Jersey came out with a new directive to all law enforcement executives.  In finding that domestic violence risk assessments are critical, the Attorney General’s office set up a scoring system. The tool is essential in evaluating situations – and may prove useful in […]

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Lewdness is Considered Domestic Violence in NJ

Posted October 12th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence is a heinous crime. For the victims, it’s easier to pretend like nothing has happened to them rather than confront the problem head-on. As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone is bringing to light domestic abuse in New Jersey and ways to combat it. The New Jersey […]

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Mandatory Arrests for a Domestic Violence Incident

Posted October 3rd, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone will be focusing on domestic abuse in New Jersey throughout multiple blogs for the remainder of the month to raise awareness for victims. We are here to help you. Mandatory Arrests In New Jersey, there are specific requirements for mandatory arrests involving […]

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The Start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Posted October 1st, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

October is here once again. Even though the first day of fall was nearly ten days ago, October is the true beginning of fall to many New Jersey residents. But the change in months also signifies something else. October is the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This annual observance is devoted to victims of […]

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Why Do Domestic Violence Victims Recant Their Stories?

Posted September 17th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

There is one significant difference between domestic violence cases and other types of criminal cases in New Jersey. In a typical criminal case, the perpetrators and the victim are usually complete strangers. In a domestic violence case, the victim is usually related to their abuser or they both live in the same household. This relationship […]

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GPS Monitoring of Domestic Abusers: Is That Legal?

Posted September 7th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

You’re finally free from an abusive relationship. You found a new place to live, you have a restraining order against your abuse, and your children are finally safe. But what you may not realize is the abuse has not stopped. In fact, in many instances, it has gotten worse. In New Jersey, statistics show that […]

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Dismissing a Restraining Order: What You Need to Know

Posted September 6th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

First things first. You should be aware that there are two types of restraining orders when it comes to allegations concerning domestic violence. You may make an application for a temporary restraining order (TRO) to alleviate difficult situations for a short time. Ultimately, you will be called upon to appear before a family court judge […]

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New Jersey Domestic Violence Trends Getting Worse

Posted August 15th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

With all the transparency about domestic violence incidents occurring at an alarming rate, one would think these incidents would begin to decrease rather than increase. Unfortunately, that is not the case. According to the latest report from the New Jersey State Police, domestic violence offenses are up 3 percent from the previous report.  That’s not […]

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Cyber-Harassment and Domestic Violence: What You Need to Know

Posted July 27th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Let’s say you meet a guy and you really, really like him. He treats you like a princess and buys you little gifts. He’s always texting you and checking up on you. It’s swell. But soon, things start to go awry. He’s constantly calling and checking up on you. When you want to hang out […]

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False Imprisonment: What You Need to Know

Posted July 18th, 2018 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

When a relationship within your home turns toxic, there can be a lot of resentment. These negative feelings can become so extreme that one could commit something that is considered unreasonable, tragic, or out-of-line, such as locking their partner in a room for an absurd amount of time to teach them some type of lesson. […]

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