As an Illegal Immigrant, Will I get Deported for Committing a Crime?

Posted January 30th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

illegal-immigrant-crime-convictionGetting convicted of a crime is never a good thing. You will probably consider it as the worst time of your life. Not only will you be facing a punishment, but it could lead to a loss of a job, or of a loved one, or even your freedom. But what happens if you not a legal citizen of the United States?

As general rule, if you are an illegal immigrant and you are convicted of a crime, there is a great chance that you will be deported from the United States. Not all crime can lead to such a punishment. It all depends on the type of crime committed, such as drug charges, domestic violence, and child abuse. And not only will an illegal immigrant face deportation, but he/she will also have serve a sentence before leaving the country. But the most common conviction that would lead to a deportation is a conviction of an aggravated felony, which include:

  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Sexual abuse of a minor
  • Drug trafficking
  • Trafficking firearms or destructive devices
  • Alien smuggling
  • Fraud

Have you been convicted of a crime? Let the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone  help you. Contact us today for a free consultation. For more information, click here.

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