Breakthrough Information on the Dangers of E-Cigarettes

Posted January 24th, 2017 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

You may remember the news account from late last year.   A woman was standing at a store counter at a New Jersey mall.  Suddenly, a large bang was heard that seemed to originate from her designer handbag.   Smoke permeated the air, and the frightened shopper suffered burns.  The cause?  Apparently, an e-cigarette battery had exploded. […]

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FDA Begins to Crack Down on E-Cigarettes, Other Products

Posted May 6th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Just yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration has broadened its rules on the definition of tobacco products to include e-cigarettes (or vapors), hookahs, pipe tobacco, premium cigars, little cigars, and other products. These tobacco products will be regulated the same way that traditional cigarettes and smokeless tobacco has been for decades. What does this mean? […]

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Could E-Cigarettes See More Restrictions in the Future?

Posted March 16th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

E-cigarettes have been in the news recently after exploding devices have lead to a series of lawsuits throughout the United States. But now these devices could be facing another issue — more legal restrictions on where you can use them. The Welsh government has just introduced a new Public Health Bill which bans electronic cigarettes […]

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How Safe Are E-Cigarettes?

Posted January 19th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

There are very few people who cannot cite the inherent risks associated with smoking or chewing tobacco.  But, what about electronic cigarettes?  Just how safe are e-cigarettes? What are E-cigarettes? Electronic cigarettes (nicknamed e-cigarettes) present in a number of “fashionable” accessories.  Some look like traditional cigarettes, while others resemble pens.  Some e-cigarettes look like elaborate […]

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How Safe Are E-Cigarettes Anyway?

Posted November 23rd, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Let’s face it: Being a smoker in this day and age is definitely frowned upon. With the price of cigarettes increasing on a daily basis and the areas where you can smoke decreasing, it may be easier to quit smoking than to actually smoke. In an effort to help smokers stop, tobacco companies have created […]

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