How Do I Know If I’m Committing Insurance Fraud?

Posted May 3rd, 2019 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

After getting into a car accident a few months ago, your injuries caused you to miss some time at work. Confiding in your friend that you are now facing financial difficulties because of the lost wages, your friend suggests that you tell the insurance company your injuries are more severe than they were. Sounds like […]

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What You Should Know About Insurance Fraud in New Jersey

Posted April 3rd, 2019 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

You may not know it, but insurance fraud affects both the innocent and guilty in the Garden State. Investigating an insurance fraud claim can be a time-consuming and expensive effort. If you see that your insurance company is hiking up their rates for some unexplained reason, it could be a sign that your insurer spent […]

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Question for Attorney Carbone: Am I Committing Insurance Fraud?

Posted July 10th, 2017 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

Question: I got into a car accident a few months ago. I was injured and had to miss time at work. I was told by a friend that to recoup that money, I should state on the insurance claim that my injuries were more severe than the really were. Is this legal? If I do […]

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What to Do if You’re a Victim of Car Insurance Fraud

Posted March 28th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

When we get into a car accident, the last thing on our mind is whether the accident was caused on purpose or is staged. But maybe we should. According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, nearly one in four claims from the New York City metropolitan area — which includes Jersey City and Newark — […]

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Lies You Should Never Tell Your Insurance Company

Posted January 13th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Sometimes it’s easier to tell a little white lie about something instead of the truth, such as getting out of an argument or avoiding a situation that you don’t want to be in. Sometimes, you’re embarrassed by your actions so you lie about them. Whatever the case may be, little white lies never hurt anyone. […]

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How Can You Prove Insurance Fraud?

Posted December 11th, 2015 by .

Categories: Legal Topics.

Here’s a scenario for you: You’re driving to work one day and are stopped at a red light. When the light turns green, the car in front of you goes in reverse instead of forward and bumps your bumper. You and the other car pull over to the side of the road and contact the […]

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How to Protect Yourself From Health Care Fraud

Posted October 28th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Although insurance fraud is not a horrific crime like assault or rape, it isn’t a victimless offense. As we’ve mentioned before, New Jersey takes insurance fraud very seriously. If you are the victim of an insurance scam, chances are you will be suffering. Especially when it comes to health insurance fraud. With Obamacare, millions of […]

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How Workers’ Compensation Fraud is Determined

Posted October 21st, 2015 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

When you are hurt in an accident on the job, you know that workers’ compensation will be there to take care of your medical bills and loss of wages. But unfortunately, many people abuse the system and get money for injuries they never had. This happens all too often and in New Jersey, it is […]

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You Can Go to Jail for Insurance Fraud

Posted September 29th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

Last week, we presented several examples of insurance fraud to educate our readers.  We want to make the point behind our focus.  In short, you can go to jail for insurance fraud.  In addition, an insurance carrier can rightfully deny claims for insurance coverage purchased in a fraudulent manner. The Law What exactly is the […]

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Little White Lies, Part 5 – When You Lie to Yourself

Posted September 25th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

It’s amazing how you wouldn’t think a little lie would cause so much trouble! But for the last four days, we’ve proved that you what you might think is a little white lie can actually be considered insurance fraud. In our last part of our Little White Lies insurance fraud series, we learn that the […]

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