Have a Safe Holiday, Part 5: Don’t Drink and Drive

Posted December 30th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

The holiday season is finally at the end. As we say goodbye to this awful year, many of us have plans to go out and celebrate 2017. And that means there’s going be an increase in drunk driving incidents. According to research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 89 percent of motorists find it […]

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Can a Party Guest Sue After a Drunk Driving Accident?

Posted October 28th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Your neighbors leave their three sons alone for the weekend. As soon as the parents walk out the door, they decide to throw a party. Alcohol is served to the underage guests. One of the guests decides it’s time to leave and it’s clear that he is intoxicated and shouldn’t drive. However, no one stops him […]

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Can a Bar Be Held Responsible for an Act of Violence?

Posted June 22nd, 2016 by .

Categories: Premises Liability.

Once again, violence has made its way back on Jersey City streets. There have been two recent shootings on West Side Avenue which have left one man dead and two others injured. Since the shootings happened late at night, many are blaming a local bar for the cause of the recent violence, something the bar […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 3: Being a Responsible Host

Posted June 17th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Nothing says summer like a backyard barbecue, right? Just you and your family and friends, enjoying the nice weather and chilling with some dogs and some beers. One of your friends had a little too much to drink. Being a responsible host, you take away the car keys and suggest he spends the night. But […]

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Who’s Responsible For My Bar Fight Injuries?

Posted September 18th, 2015 by .

Categories: Premises Liability.

It’s that time of the year where football is dominating our television sets. Sometimes we’re in the mood to share a good game with friends so we go to the local sports bar. And maybe you have a few too many drinks and aren’t thinking straight. And maybe a fan of the opposing team has been […]

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