Weekend Safety Tips: Watch for Summertime Car Accidents

Posted May 29th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

summertime car accident safety tipsDid you know that the most dangerous day of the week to drive is actually Saturday? It’s true — according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission, an average of 158 car accident fatalities happen on Saturdays. In addition, the most dangerous month to drive in is August. Is it because this is the month we head out for summer vacation? Who knows the real reason.

To keep our clients safe as they take to the roads this season, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone would like to offer you some summertime driving tips that will keep you and your loved ones safe as well as accident free this summer:

  • Before heading out, check your tire pressure. According to the website Car Talk, the hotter the temperatures are outside, the more stress it puts on your tires. So make sure they are properly inflated before heading out to that weekend trip at the Shore.
  • Be careful of teen drivers! With the school year drawing to a close, more and more inexperienced drivers are going to be on the road. If you have a teen driver at home, make sure you stress important safety tips such as don’t text and drive and keep your eyes on the road at all times.
  • Construction pains. Summer season is also construction season for New Jersey. Make sure you pay attention to any construction signs that signal lane restrictions and try not to get too upset while in traffic.
  • Be kind to motorcyclists. They have every right to be on the road as you do.
  • Hot weather can cause your car to overheat, especially if you’re sitting in construction traffic. If your car does get too hot, pull over and turn it off for a few minutes.

And remember, if you do get into a car accident this summer, you’re going to need an experienced personal injury lawyer on hand to help you through the process. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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