Domestic Violence, Part 4: Falsely Accused

Posted February 27th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence.

In the fourth part of our domestic violence series, we discuss what happens if you are falsely accused of domestic violence and what you should do next. So let’s start with a scenario: You and your wife are having a heated argument. Although harsh words are said between the two of you, it never becomes […]

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Domestic Violence, Part 3: Definition

Posted February 25th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence.

In the third part of our series on domestic violence, we’re going to take a look at the legal definition New Jersey uses for domestic violence and the punishments you could expect to receive if found guilty of the crime. Domestic violence is a serious problem in New Jersey.  According to the New Jersey State […]

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Domestic Violence, Part Two: Minors and the Law

Posted February 19th, 2015 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

We recently provided you with information concerning obtaining a restraining order.  However, age is an important factor when it comes to domestic violence law.  In short, minors can qualify as victims under the law.  However, judges will not issue final restraining orders against minor defendants. When does a Minor Qualify as Domestic Violence Victim? First, […]

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Domestic Violence, Part One: Obtaining a Restraining Order

Posted February 17th, 2015 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

According to a local police desk sergeant, there is a great deal of confusion concerning who can obtain a restraining order. Apparently, the police station is routinely flooded with requests for restraining orders that do not meet the necessary qualifications. For example, one cannot secure a restraining order as a part of a neighborly dispute. […]

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If you are accused of domestic violence can you be fired?

Posted October 22nd, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Ray Rice has gone on attack. Last month, the former Baltimore Raven was suspended from the NFL after a video showing him hitting his then-fiancee was made public.  Rice has filed an appeal against his termination as well as filing a grievance over the Ravens for terminating his contract. If the courts rule in his […]

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Teen Victims of Domestic Violence are Protected Under the Law

Posted September 24th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Young love tends to be a very dramatic experience for most. It’s your first brush of romance and all your hormones are going haywire. It can be a grand experience, one you’ll probably remember fondly for years to come. But if abuse is part of the relationship, it can also be a horrific experience that can […]

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Does your employer have a domestic violence policy in place?

Posted September 12th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

The Ray Rice story has been reverberating throughout the news for the past few days. However the questions have changed. Instead of looking at Rice as an offender and abuser, all eyes have turned to the NFL. How much did the organization really know? Why did it take the presence of a graphic video for […]

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Why wasn’t Ray Rice jailed for domestic violence?

Posted September 9th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

It is all over the news.  Rutgers alumni and Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice has been dropped from his team and suspended indefinitely from the NFL.  The reason?  Domestic violence.  Video footage of an Atlantic City casino elevator vividly displays Rice punching his then fiancée who is now his wife.  The woman was hit […]

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Domestic Violence Immigrants Can Seek Asylum

Posted August 28th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Illegal immigration has been a hot topic in the news lately. With the recent flood of child immigrants, our immigration system is on the verge of a breakdown. Recently, a government immigration board has, for the first time, decided that domestic violence victims from different countries can qualify for asylum in the United States. The […]

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How do I know my relationship will become abusive?

Posted August 8th, 2014 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

It’s a fact: Domestic violence can happen to any relationship. If you have never been in an abusive relationship, you have probably asked why the victim of such a relationship never got out or seen it come. Unfortunately, these relationships are never easy to escape. Sometimes it’s because love, usually it’s out of fear, and […]

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