What You Should Know About Dealing With Auto Insurance

Posted May 18th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

We purchase auto insurance for several reasons: To help pay our bills if we ever get into an auto accident, because the law requires us to have insurance, and to have a safety net in place should anything happen to us, just to name a few. Many of us believe that if we do get […]

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How Can PIP Insurance Help Me After an Auto Accident?

Posted December 19th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

As a resident of New Jersey, you probably had to choose PIP coverage when purchasing your car insurance policy. You may think that this is just another added-on piece of insurance that you will never use to rack up your bill. But you are very mistaken. In fact, PIP may be the most important part of your […]

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Claim Denied? Don’t Fight the Insurance Company Alone!

Posted August 27th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

You get into a car accident where you injure your neck. You go to your doctor who tells you it’s just whiplash. You go through the necessary steps of making a claim with the insurance company. A few weeks later, you find out that your claim was denied. Why was it denied? And what are […]

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Injured in an Auto Accident – Have You Protected Your Right to Sue?

Posted August 21st, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

It seems somewhat evident.  You are hurt in an auto accident and it is another party’s fault.  The obvious assumption is you will be awarded compensation from the liable person.  After all, that is what insurance is for, right?  Yes, and no. Many New Jersey drivers have never even heard of the Limitation on Lawsuit option […]

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Take a Good Look at Your Motorcycle Insurance

Posted May 30th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Like everywhere else, Jersey City motorcyclists can barely wait to fill their tanks and hop on their bikes.  After all, there is nothing better than feeling the wind behind you as you sail to your destination.  Not to mention, fuel is considerably less expensive and so is motorcycle insurance.  Is there a price to pay […]

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Medical Insurance for Pedestrians

Posted April 28th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

If you are a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle your medical bills are paid by the insurance company that covers your car. Most people assume that the medical bills get paid by the insurance company covering the vehicle that struck you. Not true. Under New Jersey automobile statutes, a pedestrian who is a named insured or […]

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Don’t Talk to the Insurance Company Alone

Posted March 13th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

A young women was involved in a motor vehicle accident last week.  Following the accident, she was taken to the hospital for evaluation.  The emergency room doctor ordered an x-ray which was negative for a fracture. The following day an adjuster from Progressive Insurance Company showed up at her door.  The adjuster offered the women $1,300 to […]

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A Jersey City Insurance Adjuster Just Called Me. What Do I Do?

Posted February 21st, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

You just got into a car accident. Your car has been totaled and you injured your arm. Just your luck, right? You call your insurance company to file a claim. A couple of weeks later, you receive a phone call from an insurance adjuster. He wants you to give a statement about what happened. What […]

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Navigating Verbal Threshold in New Jersey Car Accident Cases

Posted December 26th, 2013 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Car insurance companies are primarily concerned with the bottom line, and they will rarely offer fair compensation to accident victims. If you’ve been injured because of another driver’s careless conduct, New Jersey car accident attorney Anthony Carbone can fight for your rights as a victim and help you pursue the compensation you’re entitled to. Car […]

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Getting Into a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Posted December 2nd, 2013 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

You are driving along on the highway when suddenly you are rear-ended. You injure your neck. The injury is severe enough that you are taken to the hospital to get an x-ray. At the hospital, you are informed that the other driver does not have insurance. What happens next? In New Jersey, every car insurance […]

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