Is there a difference between DUI and DWI?

Posted August 22nd, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

While on your way from the bar, you get stopped by the police. They ask you take a sobriety test and do a Breathalyzer. They say you are over the limit that you are being arrested for DWI. What makes DWI different than a DUI? Not much. Both charges mean that you were operating a […]

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Megan’s Law turns 20

Posted August 11th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

In 1994, a 7-year-old girl was raped and murdered in her own neighborhood by a known sex offender. The crime led to the creation of Megan’s Law – legislation that requires all sex offenders to register where they are living so the community can be alerted. In addition, offenders are under constant supervision by the […]

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Is it criminal to misuse EFTs?

Posted July 24th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

Bad check writing can be a serious criminal offense.  Under New Jersey law, the amount of the check dictates the level of the crime.  For example, it is a disorderly persons offense to pass a worthless check written for less than $200.  When someone passes a bad check over that amount, the crime becomes an […]

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A rash of shootings has plagued Jersey City. What can be done?

Posted July 16th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

In the past week, a rash of violence has broken out on the streets of Jersey City. Earlier this week, rookie police officer Melvin Santiago was shot and killed in the line of duty. Two people were taken to the hospital after being shot yesterday afternoon. And a man was shot after attacking an officer […]

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“Buzzed driving” carries the same dangers as drunk driving

Posted July 15th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

Have you seen the latest billboards?  The new signs throughout the state equate “buzzed driving” with driving while under the influence.  What’s the point?  The intent is to caution individuals whose inclination is to get behind the wheel without being in total control.  Some states consider drunk driving a criminal offense.  In New Jersey, it […]

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REDEEM Act Could Give Young Offenders a Second Chance

Posted July 10th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

It is not a secret.  Youthful offenses can create a lifetime of trouble.  For some, it may mean that they never emerge from the penal system.  For others, a criminal record can live well beyond an individual’s growth into maturity.  Adults also make mistakes and live with the consequences. They are forever be haunted by […]

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Have Driving Laws Changed Since You Earned Your License?

Posted July 8th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

For many drivers, it was ages ago when they took the test to become licensed automobile operators.  Since driving laws have changed in recent years, it seems appropriate to review some of them. Technology has played a major part in some of the new regulations. Cell phones have added a new dimension to distracted driving on both […]

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Can the Police Search Your Cell Phone?

Posted July 1st, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

Privacy is considered one of the foremost American rights.  In a recent major decision, the United States Supreme Court held up that right in the age of technology.  This particular ruling concerns cell phones — if someone is arrested, the police cannot routinely go through the suspect’s cell phone.  In most cases, a search warrant is necessary. […]

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Can You Really Fight a Traffic Ticket?

Posted June 27th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

It’s something we all try to avoid when driving. Whenever we see a police car on the freeway, it seems like everyone slows down to a crawl until the car has passed. Whenever we see them on the side of the road, the first thing we look at is the speedometer. And sometimes, you just can’t […]

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Watch out for a DUI after the barbeque

Posted June 4th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

The summertime is a great time to get out and enjoy the warm weather, especially after such a terrible winter as we had. It’s also a time of outdoor activities such as barbeques, block parties, and good times at the beach. And with good times, a beer or three might be consumed. So not only […]

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