How Will the Red Light Camera Program Termination Affect Us?

Posted November 18th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

On first glance, red light camera tickets appeared to be a solid solution to cutting down traffic accidents.  The theory was that some people mind their pocketbooks more than their safety.  The silver lining to this violation technique filled municipal coffers with additional revenue.  If that’s all true, why is New Jersey discontinuing its red […]

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Will refusing to answer the officer’s questions lead to a DUI?

Posted November 14th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

You had one drink after work today before driving home. However, while on your way home, you are stopped the police. After asking for your license, the officer asks if you had been drinking. Obviously you don’t want to lie to the police, but you don’t want to get in trouble. Is there a right […]

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The Impact of Accruing Traffic Points on Your Driving Record

Posted November 13th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

When you are a student, your bad grades are memorialized to a report card.  Similarly, there is an impact of accruing traffic points.  New Jersey’s Motor Vehicle Commission keeps a record of traffic points.  Just as there are penalties for doing poorly in school, a bad driving record has consequences. Traffic points are only issued for moving […]

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Sayreville Football Players to Head to Family Court

Posted November 12th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense, Family Law.

Last month, seven students from Sayreville High School were arrested for sexual assault after allegations of hazing surfaced. Due to the severity of the charges, there was a question of whether the football players would be tried as adults. However, earlier this week the Middlesex County prosecutor had announced that the teens’ case will be […]

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Juvenile Records Don’t Have to Be Permanent

Posted October 24th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

We hear it all too often in the news. Another teen gets into legal trouble for assault. Or a teen was arrested for robbery. Or a juvenile was accused of bringing a gun into school. It’s heartbreaking for the parents. We want our children to grow up and be productive citizens. But how will they […]

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Sayreville Players Could be Placed on Megan’s Law Registry

Posted October 13th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

On Friday, seven players from the Sayreville football team were charged in the hazing scandal that has rocked the school. The players, who may be tried as adults, are accused of not only assault but sexual assault after four freshmen teammates said they were sexually assaulted by team members. These are very serious charges against […]

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Sayerville Football Team May See Jail Time for Hazing Incidents

Posted October 10th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

The Sayerville High School football team has been a constant presence in the headlines recently after allegations of severe hazing in the team’s locker room arose. As the story grew, the season was canceled by the school district and now prosecutors are examining reported incidents of harassment, bullying and intimidation. If the players are found […]

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Is a Verbal Threat Considered a Criminal Offense?

Posted September 29th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

There’s nothing more frightening than being verbally threatened by someone. Even if the person never acts out on his/her threats, you may feel intimidated and there’s no way to protect yourself from harm. But did you know that even the slightest verbal threat can be considered a crime? According to New Jersey law, verbal harassment […]

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When Does Corporal Punishment Become Child Abuse?

Posted September 19th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

An NFL player has been making headlines again. This time, it’s star running back Adrian Peterson who is accused of abusing his 4-year-old. According to Peterson, he was punishing the boy using a tree branch, just as he had when he was young. Experts believe Peterson had taken the punishment too far and now the […]

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Don’t Take a Shoplifting Charge Lightly

Posted September 17th, 2014 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

You may think shoplifting is a minor crime. And who is going to notice stealing one small item, especially since the store is filled with the same item. Although shoplifting might not carry the same punishments as a crime like assault and battery, it is still a crime and you can still expect to face […]

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