Jersey City Tuesdays with Tony: A little education goes a long way

Posted December 10th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone, Slip and Falls.

Tony decided to give you some educational advice today: Did you know that the owner or occupier of property owes a different duty of care depending on the status of the visitor? True. The scope of a landowner’s duty to a third party is defined by the third party’s status as a “business invitee,” “social […]

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Tuesdays with Tony: Tony the Fighter

Posted December 3rd, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

Still not convinced about making Tony your lawyer? Well now that we know a little more about him, let’s hear from him why you should hire him: “I can’t begin to figure out how many cases I have tried over 25 years. But I tried everything from car accidents to custody to divorce to restraining orders […]

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Tuesdays With Tony: His greatest loves

Posted December 3rd, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

We’ve learned about some of Tony’s favorite things which, in no particular order, are family, wine, and cigars. But what else does he love? Well here’s a quick list of some of the things that make Tony the man he is: Food: For Tony, nothing beats a home-cooked meal. “My favorite place to eat is at […]

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Jersey City Tuesdays with Tony: A few of his favorite things…

Posted November 26th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

You can tell a lot about a man by looking at what he loves. Obviously, you can see that Tony is a family man through and through. But what about his passions?  Some people love sports. Others love shopping. But Tony loves the comfort of things. To Tony, nothings beats the ending of a day […]

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Tuesdays With Tony: Tony is Thankful for…

Posted November 26th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away. This is a holiday of reflection, of giving thanks to what is special in our lives. It’s a time to pause from the rush of daily life and show appreciation for all the good things that happened in the last year. Here are a few things that […]

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Tuesdays with Tony, Part 2: 1988

Posted November 19th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

Tony says that 1988 is the best year of his life. Truly, this was the year that everything began to change for him. First thing that happened was he graduated from Temple University School of Law, a major accomplishment in his life. After law school, he moved back to the state he loves, New Jersey. […]

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Tuesdays With Tony: When Tony Met Raymond

Posted November 19th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

When you visit Anthony Carbone’s office, you may have seen this young man. He’s usually in the office, running small errands, helping wherever he can, always happy. His name is Raymond and to Tony, he’s like a son. Here’s his story. Back in 1996, Tony had moved his office into Jersey City, right across the […]

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An anniversary he wants to forget

Posted November 12th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

November 13th marks a two-year anniversary that Anthony Carbone would soon like to forget. It was the worst day of his life. He was sound asleep when the phone rang at 3 a.m. No good news happens at that time of the morning. On the other end, was a police officer. “Mr. Carbone, your children were […]

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Tuesdays with Tony, Part 1: Jersey Boy

Posted November 12th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

Let’s get to know your lawyer a little bit, shall we? Anthony Carbone is a true Jersey boy. He spent is early childhood in East Orange and at the age of 5, his family moved to Roseland. “At that time the town of Roseland was a farm town,” Tony says. “There was one traffic light […]

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